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Your destination for Literacy and Math Excellence.
Experienced Educational Consultant
Deb Bible is an experienced educational consultant with over two decades of work in public and private education grades Pre-K through 8. She has worked with elementary schools to improve literacy and math instruction and outcomes.
She is currently a member of The Reading League. As a Jolly Learning Consultant/Vendor Deb has helped teachers implement Science of Reading aligned practices through the use of Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar. While she recognizes that phonics is only one piece of the “literacy pie” she is well-versed in all elements of reading instruction. In addition, the Jolly Phonics Decodable Readers are listed on The Reading League’s Decodable Sources Page located here: https://www.thereadingleague.org/decodable-text-sources/
In the area of math she has worked with districts to improve instruction by introducing interactive and engaging activities to existing math curriculums and by providing professional development to teachers.
Deb is available for workshops; multi-day institutes; and multi-day, on-site observations and coaching.
Her knowledge, warmth, humor, and engaging presentation style will leave participants with a renewed enthusiasm for teaching.